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The humhub.modules.client module provides some utilities for calling backend actions. The client logic is build on top of jquerys $.ajax function and provides some additional functionality as a response wrapper, promises and enhanced error handling.

Getting started

The client module provides the following functions for calling backend actions:

  • post - Send POST data to the server
  • get - Send a GET request to the server
  • html - Load HTML from server by GET
  • submit - Submit a form by POST

Note: By default all client functions except html are expecting dataType: json from the server. This behaviour can be changed by means of the ajax options.

The client module can be used as follows

var client = require('client');

// Simple ajax call
client.ajax(url, {type: 'POST',data: { id: myModelId }})
.catch(function(e) {
module.log.error(e, true);

// The same call but forcing a post call, {data: {id: myModelId}})
.catch(function(e) {
module.log.error(e, true);

// The status function can be used to react to specific response status codes, cfg)
200: function(response) {
// Success handler with user feedback
module.log.success('success.edit', true);
400: function(response) {
// Validation error user feedback is given by validation errors
}).catch(function(e) {
module.log.error(e, true);

The mentioned functions can handle the following argument combinations:

// Only provde ajax options (with url included)

// Only provide url

// Url and options
client.get(url, {...}).then(...);

// Can be called within an action function whereas the event holds the url

// Provide action event and additional ajax options
client.get(evt, {...}).then(...);

The submit function requires either an form selector, form jquery node or an action event as first argument.

client.submit($('#myForm'), {...}).then(...);

client.submit('#myForm', {...}).then(...);


Note: Since Yii urls can't be created on client side, you'll have to inject them through data attributes or the module config.

Note: You should always add an catch handler, otherwise the actual error will be swallowed by the promise framework.

Response Wrapper

The response object returned by your client contains the following attributes:

  • url: the url of your call
  • status: the result status of the xhr object
  • response: the server response, either a json object or html depending of the 'dataType' setting of your call.
  • textStatus: In case of error: "timeout", "error", "abort", "parsererror", "application"
  • dataType: the expected response dataType of your call
  • html/xml: the response depending on dataType

If the response dataType is set to json (default) and the server acutally returns json the response attributes will be accessible directly through the response wrapper object as in the following example


public function actionTest() {
return $this->asJson(['success' => 'true']);


client.get(url).then(function(response) {
}).catch(function(e) {
module.log.error(e, true);

In case of an error (catch) the response furthermore contains

  • error: parsed error returned by the server
  • errorThrown: The textual portion of the HTTP status, such as "Not Found" or "Internal Server Error."
  • validationError: is set to true if response status is 400


The Pjax library is used by HumHub to enable partial page loads while maintaining the browser history. The use of Pjax provides major performance benefits in contrast to full page loads, since assets as stylesheets and javascript files only have to be loaded once. Furthermore only a part of the layout has to be rendered on the serverside and transfered over the network.

As of HumHub Version 1.2 Pjax is enabled by default and modules and themes should be held compatible with the single page approach.

Disable Pjax

You can disable Pjax by setting the following parameter in your protected/config/common.php

return [
'params' => [
'enablePjax' => false

If Pjax is enabled, all regular links on your site will be attached with a pjax handler by default. The Pjax behaviour is not attached to links with the following attributes:

  • data-pjax-prevent - explicit pjax prevent flag
  • target - links with html target attributes
  • data-target/data-toggle - bootstrap helper attributes


Beside using the initOnPjaxLoad flag and unload function mentioned in the Module Guide you can also listen to the following global events:

  • humhub:modules:client:pjax:beforeSend - is triggered before pjax page loads
  • humhub:modules:client:pjax:success - is triggered after a pjax page load

Note: Since javascript files in Yii are only loaded and executed once per full page load, some modules may have to be reinitialized after a pjax or ajax request. As mentioned in the Module Guide the modules init function is called in case of a pjax request only if the modules initOnPjaxLoad setting is set to true, and ajax request only if the modules initOnAjaxLoad setting is set to true.

Running your own Pjax calls

Custom Pjax calls are not officially supported for now. However, some information and examples can be found on the community wiki.

Reload the current page

The client.reload function should be used in case a page reload is required. If Pjax is enabled, a Pjax based page reload will be triggered unless the preventPjax flag is set to true.

// Will trigger a Pjax reload if enabled

// Will force a full page reload