Configuration Options
The following page gives an overview of advanced settings that can be made via the Configuration Files.
Core Modules
weeklySummaryDay - Day to send weekly summaries on daily cron run (0 = Sunday, 6 = Saturday)
Default: 0
Data Type: Integer
enableMailSummaries - Enable mail summary feature
Default: true
Data Type: Boolean
dailyCheckForNewVersion - Check daily for new HumHub version
Default: true
Data Type: Boolean
allowUserImpersonate - Allow admins to impersonate other users
Default: true
Data Type: Boolean
showDashboardIncompleteSetupWarning - Show incomplete setup warning on the dashboard for admins
Default: true
Data Type: Boolean
defaultReloadableScripts - List of script urls which should not be cached on the client side
Default: []
Data Type: Array
cleanupPendingRegistrationInterval - Seconds before delete old pending registrations messages
Default: 60 * 60 * 24 * 90
Data Type: Integer
commentsBlockLoadSize -Maximum comments to load at once
Default: 10
Data Type: Integer
commentsPreviewMax - Maximum comments to show initially
Default: 2
Data Type: Integer
adminCanViewAllContent - Global admin can see all content.
Default: false
Data Type: Boolean
adminCanEditAllContent - Global admin can edit/delete all content.
Default: true
Data Type: Boolean
emailSubjectHourlyUpdate - Custom e-mail subject for hourly update mails.
Default: empty
Data Type: String
emailSubjectDailyUpdate - Custom e-mail subject for daily update mails.
Default: empty
Data Type: String
maxAttachedFiles - Maximum allowed file uploads for posts/comments.
Default: 50
Data type: Integer
maxOembeds - Maximum allowed number of oembeds in richtexts.
Default: 5
Data type: Integer
autoIncludeProfilePosts - Possible options to include profile posts into the dashboard stream.
Default: empty
Options: all
- Include all profile posts, admin
- Include all profile posts for admins only
Data Type: String
hideActivitySidebarWidget - Hides the activities sidebar widget.
Default: false
Since: 1.3
Data Type: Boolean
$fileNameValidationPattern -
Default: /[\x00-\x1F\x80-\xA0>\/\<":\*?|{}\[\]\\\\\/]/u
Data Type: String
inlineMimeTypes - Mime types to show inline instead of download
Default: [ 'application/pdf', 'application/x-pdf', 'image/gif', 'image/png', 'image/jpeg' ]
Data type: Array
denyDoubleFileExtensions - Prohibit uploads of files with double file extension.
Default: false
Data type: Boolean
converterOptions - Array of file converter options
Default: []
Data type: Array
imageMaxResolution - Maximum image resolution before auto downscaling e.g. 1920x1080
Default: empty
Data type: String
Since: 1.7
imageJpegQuality - The JPEG quality for uploaded JPEG images. From 0 to 100.
Default: empty
Data type: Integer
Since: 1.7
imagePngCompressionLevel - The PNG compression level for uploaded PNG images. From 0 to 9.
Default: empty
Data type: Integer
Since: 1.7
imageWebpQuality - Tt The WebP quality for uploaded WebP files. From 0 to 100.
Default: empty
Data type: Integer
Since: 1.7
imagePreviewMaxHeight - The maximum height of generated preview image files in px.
Default: 400
Data type: Integer
Since: 1.7
imagePreviewMaxWidth - The maximum width of generated preview image files in px.
Default: 400
Data type: Integer
Since: 1.7
pageSize - The page size for ldap query, set to 0 to disable pagination.
Default: 10000
Data type: Integer
Since: 1.6
queriedAttributes - The queried LDAP attributes, leave empty to retrieve all.
Default: []
Data type: Array
Advanced-LDAP PRO
Module ID: advanced-ldap
enableLdapParentMembershipLookup - Recursive lookup of membership of included groups.
Default: false
Since: 1.4
Data type: Boolean
autoFollowLikedContent - Enable automatic follow liked content.
Default: true
Data type: Boolean
Since: 1.2.5
isEnabled - Mark this core module as enabled.
Default: true
Since: 1.4
Data type: Boolean
modulesPath - Path to store marketplace modules.
Default: @app/modules
Data type: String
enabled - Enable marketplace.
Default: true
Data type: Boolean
modulesDownloadPath - Path to store marketplace module packages.
Default: @runtime/module_downloads
Data type: String
hideLegacyModules - Hide modules from marketplace which are marked as legacy.
Default: true
Since: 1.7
Data type: Boolean
moduleBlacklist - A list of module ids that cannot be installed.
Default: []]
Since: 1.7
Data type: Array
globalAdminCanAccessPrivateContent - Allow global admins (super admin) access to private content also when no member.
Default: false
Data type: Boolean
useUniqueSpaceNames - Do not allow multiple spaces with the same name.
Default: true
Data type: Boolean
Since: 1.2
disableFollow - Defines if the Space following is disabled or not.
Default: true
Data type: Boolean
Since: 1.2
maximumSpaceUrlLength - Maximum space url length
Default: 45
Since: 1.3
Data type: Integer
minimumSpaceUrlLength - Minimum space url length
Default: 2
Since: 1.3
Data type: Integer
hideAboutPage - Hide about page in space menu.
Default: false
Data type: Boolean
Since: 1.7
streamExcludes - Content classes to excludes from streams.
Default: []
Data type: Array
streamSuppressQueryIgnore - Content classes which are not suppressed when in a row.
Default: []
Data type: Array
defaultStreamSuppressQueryIgnore - Default content classes which are not suppressed when in a row.
Default: []
Data type: Array
showDeactivatedUserContent - Show contents of deactivated users in stream.
Default: true
Data type: Boolean
iconAlias - Contains all available icon aliases.
Default: [ 'dropdownToggle' => 'angle-down', 'edit' => 'pencil', 'delete' => 'trash', 'dashboard' => 'tachometer', 'directory' => 'book', 'back' => 'arrow-left', 'add' => 'plus', 'invite' => 'paper-plane', 'remove' => 'times', 'controls' => 'cog', 'about' => 'info-circle', 'stream' => 'bars' ]
Data type: Array
sendInviteMailsInGlobalLanguage - Option to translate all invite mails except self invites to the default language (true) or user language(false).
Default: true
Data Type: Boolean
loginRememberMeDefault - Default state of remember me checkbox on login page.
Default: true
Data Type: Boolean
loginRememberMeDuration - Number of seconds that the user can remain in logged-in status if remember me is clicked on login.
Default: 2592000
Data type: Integer
logoutUrl - Redirect url after logout (if not set, home url will be used).
Default: empty
Data Type: String
profileDefaultRoute - The default route for user profiles.
Default: empty
Data Type: String
userListPaginationSize - The default pagination size of the user list lightbox.
Default: 8
Data type: Integer
adminCanChangeUserProfileImages - Allow admin users to modify user profile image and banner.
Default: false
Data Type: Boolean
validUsernameRegexp - Regular expression to check username characters.
Default: /^[\p{L}\d_\-@\.]+$/iu
maximumUsernameLength - The maximum username length.
Default: 50
Data type: Integer
minimumUsernameLength - The minimum username length.
Default: 4
Data type: Integer
displayNameCallback - A callback that returns the user display name.
Default: null
Data type: Callable
displayNameSubCallback - A callback that returns the user display name sub text.
Default: null
Data type: Callable
disableFollow - Defines if the user following is disabled or not.
Default: false
Data Type: Boolean
emailRequired - Defines mark user e-mail field as required. (Experimental)
Default: true
Data Type: Boolean
softDeleteKeepProfileFields - Profile field names to keep after user soft deletion.
Default: ['firstname', 'lastname']
Data type: Array
includeAllUserContentsOnProfile - Include user contents on profile stream.
Default: true
Data Type: Boolean
passwordStrength - Defines empty additional rules for password validation
Default: []
Data type: Array
profileDisableStream - Disable the profile stream.
Default: false
Data Type: Boolean
failedLoginDelayTimes - Account login blocking times after attempted incorrect logins. Format: Number of tries => Time delay in seconds.
Default: [2 => 10, 6 => 20]
Data type: Array
security - Web Security Settings.
Default: []]
enableServiceWorker - Disable Service Worker and PWA Support.
Default: true
Since: 1.8
Data Type: Boolean