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You can enable authentication against LDAP (e.g. against Active Directory or OpenLDAP) using the web interface at: Administration -> Users -> Settings-> LDAP.

Advanced Features

The Professional Edition module Advanced LDAP provides additional LDAP features like:

  • Automatic mapping of LDAP users to Spaces
  • Automatic linking of LDAP users to predefined groups (e.g. administrators)
  • Synchronize LDAP profile images to HumHub user profiles
  • Support for multiple LDAP servers/connections

More information can be found in the module documentation.


If you using a self-signed SSL certificate for LDAP, there are the following options:

Disable certificate checking

Add following line to your OpenLDAP configuration (e.g. /etc/ldap/ldap.conf)


You must then restart the Webserver or PHP-FPM service.


systemctl restart apache2

Add custom certificate

Add following lines to your OpenLDAP configuration (e.g. /etc/ldap/ldap.conf)

TLS_CACERT /etc/ldap/cert.pem

The TLS_CACERT option should contain the path to the self-signed certificate file.

You must then restart the Webserver or PHP-FPM service.


systemctl restart apache2

User Attributes

The profile field attribute mapping can be defined at Administration -> Users -> Profile -> Select profile field -> LDAP Attribute.

Date fields

If you're using custom date formats in our ldap backend, you can specify different formats in the configuration file.

    'params' => [
'ldap' => [
'dateFields' => [
'somedatefield' => 'Y.m.d'

User Mapping (HumHub to LDAP)

When an LDAP user is first imported by HumHub, the value of the specified ID attribute (LDAP settings) is saved in an internal mapping table. This is used to recognize a user even if their name or e-mail address was changed.

Although the value of the ID attribute should not change, there are always common causes for this:

  • Migration to another LDAP server (Changed domain)
  • Re-create (delete & create) a LDAP user
  • Changing the ID attribute field to another ID field

If these values change, the mappings must be cleared via the command (ldap/mapping-clear) and rebuilt with the command (ldap/mapping-rebuild). Recreating the mappings works reliably based on the email addresses or usernames.

Update Mapping for all users

Using the HumHub system user, go to the root directory of the HumHub application and execute the following commands:

cd protected

php yii ldap/mapping-clear
php yii ldap/mapping-rebuild

php yii ldap/status

Update Mapping for a certain account

Using the HumHub system user, go to the root directory of the HumHub application and execute the following commands:

cd protected

php yii ldap/mapping-clear ldap someUserName
php yii ldap/mapping-rebuild

php yii ldap/status

LDAP Console Commands

View all LDAP users

Using the following command, a list of all users returned by the LDAP server (User Filter Configuration )is displayed. HumHub LDAP users that do not appear in the list are automatically disabled.

cd protected
php yii ldap/list-users

Active Directory

Restrict to enabled users

  • Login Filter: (&(sAMAccountName=%s)(!userAccountControl:1.2.840.113556.1.4.803:=2))
  • User Filter: "(&(objectClass=person)(memberOf=CN=Workers,CN=Users,DC=myDomain,DC=com)(!userAccountControl:1.2.840.113556.1.4.803:=2))"


LDAP attributes and profile pictures are not updated

  • The automatic LDAP synchronisation of all users is interrupted with a fatal error and a part of the users is not updated (e.g. database integrity error).
  • The changes to the user profile cannot be saved due to failed validations. (e.g. missing mandatory profile field, invalid email address or username too short).

The above mentioned errors are always saved in the error log (Administration -> Information).