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Push Updates / Push Service

The PushService directly sends updates (e.g. new notifications) to the users using WebSockets or Long Polling techniques.


The PushService requires following additional installed software:

  • NodeJS
  • Redis

PushService Installation

You can install the HumHub PushService as NPM Package by entering following command:

npm install humhub-pushservice

Once the installation is finished, you need to create a configuration file:

cp config.json.dist config.json

Modify the config.json file and adjust the available settings.

Now you can start the PushService using following command:

node pushService.js

HumHub - Configuration

Once the PushService NodeJS application is up and running you need to add following configuration options to the HumHub file (protected/config/common.php):

    // ...
'components' => [
// ...

'live' => [
'driver' => [
'class' => \humhub\modules\live\driver\Push::class,
'pushServiceUrl' => '',
'jwtKey' => '---EnteraSuperSecretKeyToSignAuthorizationHere---'

// ...
// ...