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Javascript Modules

Since version 1.2, HumHub provides a module based Javascript API within the humhub namespace. Instead of embeding inline script blocks into your views, it's highly recommended to store your Javascript code in external script files and use the HumHub module system.

Publish a Module Asset

Your script files should reside within the resources/js folder of your humhub module and should ideally be appended at the bottom of the document.

In order to add a Javascript module file to your view, you should use a Asset Bundle class residing within the assets directory of your module. By setting public $jsOptions = ['position' => \yii\web\View::POS_END];, your assets will be appended to the end of the document body. This will assure all core modules are already registered.

Be careful though, when you want to edit your files in resources/js. All asset files are bundled and then copied to the @webroot-folder of your application, when registered in the view for the first time (see below). In order to force your module assets to be re-published with each requests, you can add the publish option forceCopy as in the following example. This can be useful while developing your module, but don't forget to disable this option in official releases!

namespace humhub\modules\example\assets;

use yii\web\AssetBundle;

class ExampleAsset extends AssetBundle
public $publishOptions = [
'forceCopy' => true
public $jsOptions = ['position' => \yii\web\View::POS_END];
public $sourcePath = '@example/resources';
public $js = [

The Asset Bundle can be registered to a view by calling


Where $this is the view instance. More infos about Asset Bundles are available in the Yii Guide.

If your bundle is registered to a view retrieved by an ajax call, make sure to render your view by using your controllers $this->renderAjaxContent() function. In contrast to renderPartial(), this function will add all your asset dependencies to your partial content.

Note: Make sure to add your assets after the core scripts, which are added within the documents head section.

Note: Yii loads Javascript Files only once per page load, therefore all your script files will only be loaded and executed once. This can lead to unexpected behaviour especially with Pjax single page loading enabled.

Register Modules

Modules are registered by calling the humhub.module function as follows

humhub.module('example', function(module, require, $) {

Submodules can be registered as follows

humhub.module('example.mySubModule', function(module, require, $) {

The first argument of the humhub.module function defines the module id which will be appended to the humhub namespace. The previous example module will be added to the following namespace humhub.modules.example. The second argument is the actual module function.

Note: Your module id has to be unique amongst all available modules and should ideally be consistent with your backend module id.

Your module function is provided with the following arguments:

  1. module - Your module instance, used for exporting module logic and accessing module specific utilities as log, text, config
  2. require - Used for injecting other modules.
  3. $ - jQuery instance.

Export Module Logic

Module functions and attributes can only be accessed outside of the module if they are exported, either by directly appending them to the module instance or by calling module.export.

humhub.module('example', function(module, require, $) {

// export public function
module.myPublicFunction = function() {/* ... */}

// another public function exported later
var publicTwo = function() { /* ... */}

// Exports multiple values
publicTwo: publicTwo,
publicThree: function() {/** Test function **/}

In case you only want to export a single object/function/class you can use the following syntax:

var MyClass = function() {/*...*/};

MyClass.prototype.myFunction = function() {/*..*/}

module.export = MyClass;

Note: When exporting a single object or class, the exported object won't have the usual module attributes and utilities. The plain object or function will simply be added to the namespace.

Module Initialization

Your module can define its initialization logic by implementing and exporting an init function.

By default this function is only called once after a full page load or directly after the registration in case the module was loaded per ajax. If your module requires an initialization also after Pjax page loads, your module has to set the initOnPjaxLoad flag. In this case the init function will provide an isPjax parameter for beeing able to distinguish between full page loads and Pjax page loads.

module.initOnPjaxLoad = true;

var init = function(isPjax) {
// Do some global initialization work, which needs to run in any case
if(isPjax) {
// Runs only after a pjax page load
} else {
// Runs only after fresh page load

init: init

Warning: Once registered, your modules init function may be called even if you are not currently in your desired modules view. This occurs especially if Pjax is enabled and initOnPjaxLoad is set to true. Therefore, if your modules initialization logic only makes sense in a specific context, make sure you reside in the desired view before running your actual initialization code e.g: if(!$('#mySpecialElement').length) {return;}.

It's also possible to call a module init function after each ajax request. The module initOnAjaxLoad has to be set to true:

module.initOnAjaxLoad = true;

You will also need to specify the list of URLs for which the ajax page must call the init function. In your Asset class, add something like this:

    public static function register($view)
$view->registerJsConfig('myModule.moduleId', [
'initOnAjaxUrls' => [ // Requires `module.initOnAjaxLoad = true;` in the JS file
Url::to(['/path']), // Don't add any params to the URL

return parent::register($view);

Module Unload

For the purpose of cleaning up module related dom nodes etc. there is also an unload function which is called before each Pjax page load. This function is mainly used to remove obsolete dom nodes, prevent memory leaks, remove obsolete dom listeners or clear some module data.

var unload = function($pjax) { 

unload: unload

Note: Some third party libraries append helper elements to the document body. Make sure to remove such elements in the unload function.

Module Dependencies

Other modules can be injected into your module by using the require function as follows

var mySubModule = require('example.mySubModule');

// require by using the full path (full path)
var example = require('humhub.modules.example');

// Also a valid call

// Calling myFunction outside of a module

It is a good practice to require all dependent modules at the beginning of your module. You should only require modules at the beginning of your module, if you are sure the required module is already registered. Since all core modules are registered in the head section of your document, they are available within the document body.

If your module requires another module, which is not part of the core API, you can ensure the order by means of the $depends attribute of your Asset Bundle class.

public $depends = [

In case you can't assure the module registration order of a required module, but need to import the module, you can either require the module on demand within your module function or use the lazy flag of the require function.

The call to require('anotherModule', true) will return an empty namespace object in case the dependent module has not been registered yet. The actual module logic will be available after the dependent module is registered.

Warning: When using the lazy flag, you can't assure the required module is already initialized within your own modules init logic.

humhub.module('example', function(module, require, $) {
// We can't ensure that module2 is registered before our module
var module2 = require('module2', true);

// at this point module2 might be empty

var myFunction = function() {
// myFunction should only be used outside of the init logic

var init = function() {
// This is dangerous!!!

Info: All core modules are appended to the head section of your document, so they should not be any dependency problem if you append your assets either at the begin or the end of the document body.

Module Lifecycle

A module runs through the following lifecycle (by the example of our example module):

  1. Full Page load
  2. Calling humhub.module - the module is registered but not initialized
  3. Document Ready
  4. humhub:beforeInitModule
  5. humhub:modules:example:beforeInit
  6. Calling the modules init function
  7. humhub:modules:example:afterInit
  8. humhub:afterInitModule
  9. humhub:ready
  10. Pjax call
  11. humhub:modules:client:pjax:beforeSend
  12. Calling the modules unload function
  13. humhub:modules:client:pjax:success
  14. Reinitialize all modules with initOnPjaxLoad=true by calling init with isPjax = true

Module Configuration

If you need to transfer values as texts, flags or urls from your php backend to your Javascript module, you can use the module.config array as follows

humhub.module('example', function(module, require, $) {

var myAction = function() {
if(module.config['showMore']) {
// Do something

The configuration can be set in your php view as follows

// Single module
$this->registerJsConfig('example', ['showMore' => true]);

// ...or multiple modules
'example' => [
'showMore' => true
'anotherModule' => [

Setting configurations in javascript:

// Set config values for multiple modules
'myModule': {
'myKey': 'value'
'moduleXY': {

// Set a single value
humhub.config.set('myModule', {
'myKey': 'value'

// You can also call
humhub.config.set('myModule', 'myKey', 'value');

Warning: Since the configuration can easily be manipulated, you should not set values which can compromise the security of your application.

Module Texts

Beside the config array, the module instance furthermore provides a text utility function for accessing texts configurations.

//Configurate your text in your php view.
$this->registerJSConfig('example', [
'text' => [
'error.notallowed' => Yii::t('ExampleModule.views.example', 'You are not allowed to access example!');

Access your text within your js module as this


// which is a short form of:

Module Log

Your module can be used to create module specific log entries by using the module.log utility. The log object supports the following log level functions:

  1. trace - For detailed trace output
  2. debug - For debug output
  3. info - Info messages
  4. success - Used for success info logs
  5. warn - Warnings
  6. error - For error messages
  7. fatal - Fatal errors

All log functions accept up to three arguments:

  1. The actual message (or text key)
  2. Details about the message this could be an js object an error or a client response object
  3. A setStatus flag, which will trigger a global humhub:modules:log:setStatus event. This can be used to trigger the status bar for providing user feedback.

The following calls are valid:

// Log config text 'error.notallowed' and give user feedback.
module.log.error('error.notallowed', true);

// In the following example we received an error response by our humhub.modules.client.
// The response message will try to resolve a default message for the status of your response.
// Those default messages are configured in the core configuration texts.
module.log.error(response, true);

// The error.default text message is available through the configuration of the log module see humhub\widgets\JSConfig
module.log.error('error.default', new Error('xy'), true);

The trace level of your module can be configured by setting the traceLevel configuration. If your module does not define an own trace level the log modules's traceLevel configuration will be used instread. In production mode the default log level is set to INFO, in dev mode its set to DEBUG.

Info: Your module logger will try to resolve a given text key to a module or global text.

Info: The module.log.success() function will trigger a status bar update by default.

Note: If you change the traceLevel of a module at runtime, you'll have to call module.log.update().

Overwrite Module Behaviour

You can overwrite the default module exports within your custom module by listening to the beforeInit function of the target module.

Within your example module:

// you can also use humhub.modules.event instead in case you are outside a humhub module
var event = require('event');

event.on('humhub:modules:someModule:afterInit', function(evt, someModule) {

someModule.someExport = function() {
// overwritten

someModule.config['someConfigKey'] = 'overwritten';
