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Theme Structure


Here are a few important tidbits:

  • All themes have their files located in the /themes root or module folder.
  • Each theme has its own sub-folder, in the main themes folder.
  • Each theme is made of template files, image files, one or more LESS/CSS files, and sometimes even JavaScript files (.js).

Create Own Theme Folder

Note: Do not edit the default HumHub themes directly. All changes may overwritten on updates.

The best way to start is to copy the default theme folder HumHub.

Select a preferably unqiue theme name (e.g. MyCompanyName) for your new theme folder.

** Example: Copy theme folder (Linux)**

cd /path/to/HumHub
cp -rfa themes/HumHub themes/MyCompany

** Enable the theme **

Once you created an own theme folder, you need to enable it in the administration section of HumHub: Administration -> Settings -> Appeareance

Folder Structure Example

This overview shows a complete theme folder structure including own less and view files.

/mytheme/ - My Theme Name
/css/ - Your theme css files (optional)
theme.css - Your actual theme css file
/less/ - Contains less files used to build your theme.css (optional)
build.less - Used to build your theme.css
variables.less - Contains theme variables as text and background colors
mixins.less - Used to define own mixins
theme.less - Contains your own theme definitions
/js/ - Additional javascript files (optional)
/font/ - Additional fonts (optional)
/img/ - Images (optional)
/views/ - Overwritten Views
/moduleId/ - Id of Module (module_core Id, module Id, or base controller id)
/controllerId/ - Id of Controller
index.php - Overwritten View File
/widgets/ - Links to /someModule/widgets/views/
someWidget.php - Overwritten widget view
/widgets/ - Links to /protected/widget/views