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Getting Started

Testing in Humhub/Yii extends the paradigm of unit testing by functional and acceptance tests.

Acceptance tests simulate actual user actions on a browser. By means of acceptance tests you can test your backend code as well as your javascript frontend, potentially on different browsers. The downside of acceptance tests is the longer execution time, and a more complex implementation. Implement acceptance tests for general UI tests, ideally access all views and test Javascript based views.

Functional tests are similar to acceptance tests, with the difference that functional tests do not run on an actual browser and do not execute any javascript. Functional tests allow easy testing of customized HTTP requests, forms and also allow direct access of application logic as database or the Yii application context. This can be handy if you require a specific application state as specific settings for a test. Write functional tests in order to test your controllers, forms and controller access for different configurations settings.

Unit tests are ideal for white box testing and is the fastest way of writing low level tests for specific classes or components. Implement unit tests for testing single components and classes.

HumHub uses Codeception as testing framework.

Information about how to write tests with codeception are available here:

Test Environment Setup

composer global require "codeception/codeception=2.0.*" "codeception/specify=*" "codeception/verify=*"

Note: Instead of a global codeception installation you can also use the version fetched by composer protected/vendor/codeception/codeception. The composer version is used when running the tests with grunt.

  • Create a test database:
CREATE DATABASE `humhub_test` CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci;
  • Configure database access:

Configure the database connection for your test environment in @humhub/tests/config/common.php:

    'components' => [
'db' => [
'dsn' => 'mysql:host=localhost;dbname=humhub_test',
'username' => 'myUser',
'password' => 'myPassword',
'charset' => 'utf8',
  • Run Database Migrations:
cd protected/humhub/tests/codeception/bin
php yii migrate/up --includeModuleMigrations=1 --interactive=0

Note: You'll have to run the migrations for your test environment manually in order to keep your test environment up to date.

  • Install test environment:
php yii installer/auto
  • Set HUMHUB_PATH system variable

The HUMHUB_PATH is used by your test environment in non core module tests to determine the HumHub root. This is only required for non core module tests and can also be set in your modules test configuration /tests/config/test.php:

return [
'humhub_root' => '/path/to/my/humhub/root',

Test configuration

The settings of your default configuration files in the $HUMHUB_PATH/protected/humhub/tests/config directory can be overwritten for each module within the corresponding <module_root>/tests/config files.

The following configuration files can be used to overwrite the test configuration:

  • The initial test configuration test.php is used to set general test settings as the path to your humhub_root or used fixtures.
  • The configuration of common.php is used for all suites and can be overwritten by settings in a suite configuration.
  • Suite specific test configurations (e.g. functional.php) are used to configure HumHub for a specific test suite.

The configurations for a suite will be merged in the following order:

  • @humhub/protected/humhub/tests/config/functional.php
  • @myModule/tests/config/common.php
  • @myModule/tests/config/functional.php
  • @myModule/tests/config/env/myenv/common.php (if exists)
  • @myModule/tests/config/env/myenv/functional.php (if exists)

Environment Configuration

For running a test for a specific environment you'll have to set te --env argument for your test-run.

Example for running all functional tests of a tasks module in a master environment:

  1. Create a file @mymodule/tests/config/env/master/test.php with the following content: return [ 'humhub_root' => '/pathToMasterBranch' ];
  2. If needed set further HumHub settings in tasks/tests/config/env/master/funtional.php
  3. Run codecept run functional --env master

Note: Your modules test.php configuration file should always set an 'modules' array with all non core modules needed for test execution.

Note: You can specify multiple --env arguments in codeception, for module tests the first --env argument must contain the environment of your humhub_root settings you want to use for this test run.

Run Tests:

In order to run a test you can either use the conventional codecept command which requires a global installation, or the grunt test command. The grunt test command currently only works for core module tests.

Test Build:

The first time you run a test, the test files need to be build, this can be achieved by adding the -build parameter to the test run command:

grunt test -b

Only build test files without test run:

cd protected/humhub/tests/
codecept build

Run all core tests:

cd protected/humhub/tests/
codecept run


grunt test

Run single core module test

cd protected/humhub/modules/user/tests
codecept run


grunt test -module=user

Run specific suite

cd protected/humhub/modules/user/tests
codecept run unit


grunt test -module=user --suite=unit

Run single test file

cd protected/humhub/modules/user/tests
codecept run codeception/unit/FollowTest


grunt test -module=user --path=unit/FollowTest

Run single test function

cd protected/humhub/modules/user/tests
codecept run codeception/unit/FollowTest:testFollowUser


grunt test -module=user --path=unit/FollowTest:testFollowUser

Run non core module tests

To run non core module tests you have to edit at least the test config file under <yourmodule>/tests/config/test.php. If your modules reside outside of the /protected/humhub/modules directory you'll have to set the following configurations:

In your <yourmodule>/tests/config/test.php:

return [
// This will enable all provided modules for the testenvironment
'modules' => ['myModuleId']

You may also want to extend the moduleAutoloadPath in your <yourmodule>/tests/config/common.php:

return [
'params' => [
'moduleAutoloadPaths' => ['/pathToMyModules']

Run acceptance tests

Phantom.js or Selenium are required to run acceptance tests on your system.

Note: If you are already running a webserver on port 8080, you do not need to start the test server described blow, because Humhub tests are run on port 8080. However if your DocumentRoot directory is not configured to directly open HumHub via localhost you have to do some adjustments in the codeception.yml file of our test folder (test-entry-url) and the acceptance.suite.yml file. Alternatively start the test server as described below (in humhub root directory).


  • Start a Phantom.js server:
cd protected/vendor/bin
phantomjs --webdriver=4444


and copy them in the same directory.

Start selenium:

java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.53.0.jar

Start test server:

cd /myhumHubInstallation
php --server index-test.php


grunt test-server

Run your acceptance test:

codecept run acceptance

Note: The grunt test command only works for core tests.