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Before you keep reading, make sure you are familiar with the following Yii concepts:

The content concept is a fundamental part of HumHub and allows the implementation of different types of content. The core content module is responsible for managing the visibility and other content features which are described in the following section.


As the name suggests, a ContentContainer in HumHub can be connected with content instances. HumHub supports two different types of ContentContainer:

  • User
  • Space

Content without a ContentContainer relation are considered global.

Content and ContentActiveRecord

The \humhub\modules\content\components\ContentActiveRecord|ContentActiveRecord class serves as the base class for every content type as for example Polls, Posts or Wiki pages. While the ContentActiveRecord implementation describes the specific behavior of a content type, all ContentActiveRecord instances are related to a humhub\modules\content\models\Content|Content record which holds general content data as:

  • visibility
  • originator
  • creation date
  • updater
  • update date
  • ContentContainer relation

The following section describes common configuration possibilities of ContentActiveRecord subclasses.

ContentActiveRecord::moduleId should always be set with the related module id of your content record.

ContentActiveRecord::autoFollow flag is used to determine whether or not the content originator should automatically follow this content after creation. In case the originator should not receive notifications for e.g. likes or comments by default, this flag should be set to false.

ContentActiveRecord::streamChannel specifies the main context in which this type of content is used. Activity content entries for example make use of an own stream channel and therefore are not included in the default wall stream channel. In case you just want to exclude your content from the wall stream, set the stream channel to null. This setting can also be changed by model updates in order to exclude the content only if some conditions are met. As with activities, this field can also be used to create own custom streams.

ContentActiveRecord::silentContentCreation can be set to false if you want to prevent the creation of ContentCreated notifications and activities for this type of content. Note, those activity records are only created when inserting the content record. Changing this setting afterwards won't have any effect.

Custom ContentActiveRecord

Just like other ActiveRecords ContentActiveRecord classes should be put under the models namespace of your module. Beside the basic ActiveRecord features as validation and attributeLabels your ContentActiveRecord class should at least implement the following fields and methods:

  • moduleId - id of the related module
  • getContentName() - short name/type of content
  • getContentDescription() - returns a short description of the content instance used to preview the content for example in activities etc.
namespace mymodule\models;

use humhub\modules\content\components\ContentActiveRecord;

class MyModel extends ContentActiveRecord
protected $moduleId = 'mymodule';

protected $canMove = true;

public static function tableName()
return 'example_content';

public function getContentName()
return Yii::t('ExampleModule.models_Example', "Example");

public function getContentDescription()
return $this->question;

public function rules()
//return validation rules

ContentActiveRecord usage

A ContentActiveRecord constructor can be called as follows:

Provide a content container and attribute config. In this case the default content visibility of the related container will be used. This is the most common way of initializing a new ContentActiveRecord.

new Post($space, ['message' => 'Some message'])

The following example provides an additional visibility setting in order to force a content visibility:

new Post($space, Content::VISIBILITY_PRIVATE ['message' => 'Some message'])

A global content entry can be created as follows:

new Post(['message' => 'Some message'])

You can instantiate your ContentActiveRecord as follows:

// Setting of container and visibility and fields manually
$model = MyModel::findOne(['id' => $id]);
$space = $model->content->container;
$model->content->visibility = Content::VISIBILITY_PRIVATE;
$model->some_field = $field;

When given a Content instance, you can access the related model as follow:

$model = $content->getModel();

Note: You won't have to worry about instantiating or saving the underlying content record, since this is handled within the ContentActiveRecord class automatically.

Content visibility

The content visibility specifies who will be allowed to view a content instance. When instantiating a new ContentActiveRecord without a predefined visibility the underlying content will adapt the default content visibility of its ContentContainerActiveRecord.

  • Private content will only be visible for Space Members (Space) and Friend Users (Profile).
  • Public content will be visible for everyone including guests if the guest mode is active.

For global content (since 1.16):

  • Private content will be visible only to logged in users
  • Public content will be visible for everyone except guests if "Guest Access" is disabled

The content visibility can be checked by calling isPublic() and isPrivate() on the Content instance.



// Set visibility
$model->content->container = Content::VISIBILITY_PRIVATE;

The visibility of a content for a user can be validated by the Content::canView() method and behaves by default as follows:

  • Guests can only access public content of visible spaces/users or global content if "Guest Access" is enabled
  • Other users can access all public content within the network
  • All space members can read private space content
  • Non space members can only access public space content
  • Only friend users can access private profile content of a user.
  • If the "Manage All Content" Group Permission is enabled (see configuration options), it is possible to allow the members of certain Groups to manage all content (view, edit, move, archive, pin, etc.), even private content.
if(!$model->content->canView()) {
throw new HttpException(403);

Content Write Permission

By default users can edit a content if one of the following conditions defined in Content::canEdit() are met:

  • User is the owner of the content
  • User is system administrator and the content module setting adminCanEditAllContent is set to true (default)
  • The user is granted the space ManagePermission set by the model record class. Since v1.2.1 a ContentContainerActiveRecord can define an own $managePermission which will be described later.
  • The user meets the additional condition, which is defined in the ContentContainerActiveRecords canEdit() function.

You can check the edit permission of a user by means of the Content::canEdit() function as

// Check edit permission for current logged user
if($model->content->canEdit()) {

// Check edit permission for a given user
if($model->content->canEdit($someUserIdentity)) {

// Check other permission for the current logged user on the contents contentContainer
if($model->content->can(new MyCustomPermission()) {

You can overwrite the default ManageContent permission as follows:

class Example extends ContentContainerActiveRecord
$managePermission = MyCustomManagePermission::class;

// ...

Info: For more information about permissions, please see the Permission Section.

Note: Many content-types provide a private/public flag within the create/edit form.

Info: Private spaces can not create public content.

Content queries

The Content class furthermore provides some extended ActiveQuery capabilities. Calling \humhub\modules\content\components\ContentActiveRecord::find()|ContentActiveRecord::find() will return a `\humhub\modules\content\components\ActiveQueryContent]] instance with additional methods to filter specific content entries:

// Returns all MyModels related to the given $space
$models = MyModel::find()->contentContainer($space)->all();

// Returns all MyModels related to the given $space and readable by the current user
$models = MyModel::find()->contentContainer($space)->readable()->all();

// Loads all MyModels of the current users member spaces
$models = MyModel::find()->userRelated([ActiveQueryContent::USER_RELATED_SCOPE_SPACES])->all();

// Loads all readable MyModels of the current users spaces and also followed spaces
$models = MyModel::find()->userRelated([

There are the following user related scopes available:

  • USER_RELATED_SCOPE_OWN: Content created by the given user itself (content.created_by)
  • USER_RELATED_SCOPE_SPACES: Content related to the users member spaces
  • USER_RELATED_SCOPE_FOLLOWED_SPACES: Content related to the users followed spaces
  • USER_RELATED_SCOPE_FOLLOWED_USERS: Content related to the users followed user profiles
  • USER_RELATED_SCOPE_OWN_PROFILE: Content related to the users own profile

Delete Content

Content records should always deleted via the Content::softDelete() method. Soft deleted content are marked for deletion and are no longer accessible.


The defintive deletion of the record then takes place as background job using the Queue component with a custom delay. With the Recycle-Bin module it would also be possible to restore such content.

Move Content

In case your content should be movable to other spaces you'll have to enable the \humhub\modules\content\components\ContentActiveRecord::canMove|ContentActiveRecord::canMove flag. For complex content-types you may want to overwrite the \humhub\modules\content\components\ContentActiveRecord::afterMove()|ContentActiveRecord::afterMove() function. This is required for example if your content is related to other sub content entries.

public function afterMove($container = null)
foreach($this->subcontent as $subcontent)

Other content features

Content Url

By default the url returned by Content::getUrl() links to the space or profile stream with active contentId filter. If you want to change this behaviour and for example rather link to a content-type specific detail view of your content, you can implement a ContentActiveRecord::getUrl() method.

public function getUrl()
return $this->content->container->createUrl('/mymodule/detail', ['id' => $this->id]);

Retrieve the content url:

$url = $model->content->getUrl();

Pin content

The default space stream supports the pinning of content, which will load the pinned entries at the top of the stream. Normally you won't need to call the pin/unpin methods by yourself, since this is part of the default stream entry logic. In case your content is not part of the default stream, you may use these functions for your own module logic.





Archive content

Archived content is by default excluded from the streams. As with the pin logic, you won't have to handle this by yourself.






When working with Content or other ContentContainer related data, your controller should extend the humhub\modules\content\components\ContentContainerController|ContentContainerController class. This controller will automatically search and instantiate a container instance related to the cguid request parameter and provide additional features as:

  • Additional access checks
  • Default layout selection based on container type (User or Space)
  • Create container URL's for the given container

By default a ContentContainerController will block requests without a given cguid request parameter. If you need to implement a controller which should be able to handle container related as well as global requests you'll have to set the ContentContainerController::requireContainer field to false.

In your controller logic you can access the related container by means of $this->contentContainer.

You can even restrict the allowed container types by setting the ContentContainerController::validContentContainerClasses array. This can be useful if your controller should only handle space or user related requests.

use humhub\modules\content\components\ContentContainerController;
use humhub\modules\space\models\Space;

class ExampleController extends ContentContainerController

public $validContentContainerClasses = [Space::class];


Urls pointing to a container action should be created by using the ContentContainerActiveRecord::createUrl() function. This will add the required cguid parameter to your request.

 // Direct ContentContainer call

// Or by means of a ContentActiveRecord

// Within a ContentContainerController:

Another way of creating container urls is the following:

$url = \yii\helpers\Url::to(['/some/route', 'container' => $space);

Content addons

Content addons can be used to extend the content concept with further features. Examples of content addons are

  • humhub\modules\like\models\Like|Like
  • humhub\modules\comment\models\Comment|Comment


See the Use of ContentContainerModule section. See the Use of ContentContainerModule section.

Content Streams

See the Stream section