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Snippets are self contained panels which can be added to the sidebar, for example the space, directory, or dashboard layout.

Adding content to the sidebar

You can use the Yii2 View Blocks feature to move content from your view file into the sidebar as follows:

<?php $this->beginBlock('sidebar'); ?>
Your sidebar content
<?php $this->endBlock(); ?>

See also: humhub\modules\ui\view\components\View|getSidebar

Event Handlers

You can use the humhub\widgets\BaseMenu::EVENT_INIT event in order to append snippets to a sidebar. Your event handler will look something like this:

public static function onSpaceSidebarInit($event)
$space = $event->sender->space;
$settings = SnippetModuleSettings::instantiate();

if ($space->moduleManager->isEnabled('mymodule')) {
if ($settings->showUpcomingEventsSnippet()) {
$event->sender->addWidget(MySnippet::class, ['contentContainer' => $space], ['sortOrder' => $settings->upcomingEventsSnippetSortOrder]);

The following snippet view rendered by your MySnippet::class appends an extra meu item to the PanelMenu.

use humhub\widgets\PanelMenu;

$extraMenus = '<li><a href="'.$url.'"><i class="fa fa-arrow-circle-right"></i> '. Yii::t('MyModule.base', 'Some extra snippet men item') .'</a></li>';
<div class="panel calendar-upcoming-snippet" id="my-module-snippet">

<div class="panel-bath">
<i class="fa fa-home"></i> <?= Yii::t('MyModule.base', '<strong>My</strong> snippet'); ?>
<?= PanelMenu::widget(['id' => 'my-module-snippet', 'extraMenus' => $extraMenus]); ?>

<div class="panel-body" style="padding:0px;">
<?php /* Put content */?>


Note: The snippet concept will be enhanced in a future version after HumHub 1.3 in order to provide a global and container settings view which can be used to configurate all available snippets.

The following sections describe how to register your event listener for the different sidebars available.

Dashboard Layout

Adding the following in your module's config.php file will enable the view of your snippet on your dashboard.

namespace humhub\modules\yourmodule;

use humhub\modules\dashboard\widgets\Sidebar;

return [
'id' => 'yourmodule',
'class' => 'humhub\modules\yourmodule\Module',
'namespace' => 'humhub\modules\yourmodule',
'events' => [
['class' => Sidebar::class, 'event' => Sidebar::EVENT_INIT, 'callback' => ['humhub\modules\yourmodule\Module', 'onDashboardSidebarInit'`,

Space Layout

Adding the following in your module's config.php file will enable the view of your snippet in your Spaces.

namespace humhub\modules\yourmodule;

use humhub\modules\space\widgets\Sidebar;

return [
'id' => 'yourmodule',
'class' => 'humhub\modules\yourmodule\Module',
'namespace' => 'humhub\modules\yourmodule',
'events' => [
['class' => Sidebar::class, 'event' => Sidebar::EVENT_INIT, 'callback' => ['humhub\modules\yourmodule\Events', 'onSpaceSidebarInit']],

Directory Layout (Legacy)

Adding the following in your module's config.php file will enable the view of your snippet in your Directory.

namespace humhub\modules\yourmodule;

use humhub\modules\directory\widgets\Sidebar;

return [
'id' => 'yourmodule',
'class' => 'humhub\modules\yourmodule\Module',
'namespace' => 'humhub\modules\yourmodule',
'events' => [
['class' => Sidebar::class, 'event' => Sidebar::EVENT_INIT, 'callback' => ['humhub\modules\yourmodule\Events', 'onDirectorySidebarInit']],